Employing the latest in concrete technology Spantanks are compromised of precast -prestressed Walls, Columns, Beams and Roof members all manfactured under factory controlled conditions. These are then installed on site on a post-tensioned Cast In Place base. The walls are all post-tensioned circumferentially for water tightness. Capacities range from 50,000 IG to 5,000,000 IG. All Spantanks conform to AWWA D115-95 specifications.
The Spantank
Is impervious to leaks, corrosion and cracking commonly found in its predecessors. When compared to steel tanks the benefits are tremendous. Initial outlay cost are significantly lower. Post-tensioned concrete reservoirs require little or no structural maintenance during their service life of about 100yrs. Adding to the assurance of proven durability the long term advantages of precast concrete include impact and corrosion resistance – and prove excellent choices for chlorine laden/ salt water environments.
Spantanks can fit a range of applications – Portable Water Tanks, Industrial Waste Tanks, Sewage Holding Tanks- Clarifiers, Digesters, Sewage Treatment Tanks and Oxidation Ditches. There are also roof and liner options to provide maximum protection and sealing. Spantanks employ the latest in precast/ prestressed technology that is available today.